Epilogue BONSAI 盆景藝術

Epilogue BONSAI 盆景藝術

「Bonsai」一字源自日本,「Bon」指花盆;「Sai」指種植。盆景匠人悉心照料植物,透過經常修剪來限制樹木的生長,同時保持樹木的美感。從日本匠人得知,原來盆景這門傳統日本文化逐漸在年輕一輩失傳 epilogue BONSAI 兩位主理人曾到訪日本莊園學習,深入了解日本盆景匠人的園藝技術。無論是修剪、造型,抑或是最簡單的澆水,都是一門高深的學問。

Epilogue BONSAI致力推廣日本工藝文化。盆景藝術即是把植物栽培在細小的器物內。兩位主理人認為現代人的生活太過急速,而學習盆景正正可以鍛鍊人的耐性,並為生活帶來片刻寧靜。所以兩位主理人決定把日本盆景帶來香港,把盆景文化承傳下去。


日期: 28 - 31 Dec 2023
時間:11:00 - 20:00
地點 : 上環西街54號
Major Pop Art

Epilogue BONSAI is a shop that specializes in Japanese bonsai and is committed to promoting Japanese craftsmanship. Bonsai is an art form that involves the cultivation and care of miniature trees in containers. The word "bonsai" is derived from the Japanese words "bon," meaning tray or pot, and "sai," meaning planting. Bonsai trees are meticulously shaped and pruned to create a scaled-down version of a fully-grown tree, while still maintaining the aesthetics of the tree.

The owners have also traveled to Japan and studied bonsai from local bonsai masters. Bonsai is an uneasy subject which requires lots of knowledge such as technical watering, shaping, or pruning. In the meantime, they learned that bonsai culture is gradually disappearing among the younger generation in Japan because they perceive bonsai as a hobby for the elderly. However, the owners believe that learning bonsai can help cultivate patience and provide a moment of calm in our fast-paced city. Thus, they made the decision to introduce Japanese bonsai to Hong Kong.
